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IIn addition to my work on the stage and in front of the camera, I've also written for publications such as Hooligan Magazine, Scapi Magazine, and, covering Chicago theater & music, pop culture, and issues surrounding recovery and sobriety.

Mercury In Retrograde

November 29, 2019

Ah, the sweet smell of Mercury in Retrograde. Smells like delayed trains, broken phones, lost personal items, and texts to your exes. But what is it, really? Ah, the sweet smell of Mercury in Retrograde. Smells like delayed trains, broken phones, lost personal items, and texts to your exes. But what is it, really?

2020 In The Stars: Kamala Harris

December 16, 2019

So often women are painted as overly emotional as if being in touch with their intuition and feminine power is a weakness. Women of color especially are vilified for having any intense emotions. A person’s ability to feel and feel unapologetically is a goddamn superpower.

September 07, 2018

In preparation for my interview with Blue, I treated my exploration of *69 like a first date. What would I gush to my best friend about after I spent time with these songs? What were my initial reactions? Would I grant this EP a second date?

June 13, 2018

Each actor is fully alive--living and breathing their storylines, remaining grounded in a world that feels like The X-Files meets Stranger Things with a healthy sprinkle of Twin Peaks.

July 31, 2018

“The Lady Demands Satisfaction” is a fierce, feminist farce. It is a commentary on the inherent, yet consistently overlooked, power of womxn.

January 01, 2020

You support all addicts or you support none. Demi Lovato, Kurt Cobain, the other “famous addicts” we love to read about, are not special. They are human, they are fallible, they contain multitudes. Celebrities relapse, and they are just like us.

January 08, 2017

Addiction is not just what you read in the magazines and see in the movies. The more you know the more capable you are of being a good ally.

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